Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Leaving New York

Tuesday morning, I finally started my drive from Long Island to Washington D.C. I slept around 3:30 A.M Monday night only to awake at 6 A.M Tuesday morning by an insanely uncomfortable itch that encompassed my hands, feet, elbows, and knees. With all my discomfort, there was no way I was going to fall back asleep without at least taking a shower to try and reduce my itch. Bleary eyed, I trudged to the bathroom and lathered up.

After my shower, I returned to my bed in a vain attempt to fall back asleep. By this time, I had too much adrenaline flowing in anticipation of my departure out of New York City to get back into shut-eye state. After two hours of lying there, I decided to get up to finish packing my car and eat breakfast (Cheerios and orange juice). By 10:30 A.M, I was finally in my car and ready to hit the road. Off I went!

After 40 minutes of driving on the Long Island Expressway, I ventured into Brooklyn through the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, crossed the Manhattan Bridge, travelled west on Canal Street within Manhattan, and passed through the Holland Tunnel into New Jersey. Just like that, I had left New York...

PS - This R.E.M. video really resonates with me -

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad that you actually left but thrilled that you are coming home. Nothing compares to New York, but New York isn't Houston. Still, it must have been hard to see the city in your rear-view mirror.
