Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Maybe I'm not as lost as I had suspected!

Just came up with my personal career mission statement:

"My personal career mission is to bring different communities together, add more positive than negative vibes to the world around me, and help bring out the best in people."

I know it's a little broad, but I think it can help keep me focused on what jobs are worth looking at and which ones I should eliminate right off the bat. Yay!

Kind of like this job-searching business...

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Tooklyn Resurrection

It's been a while since I've written here, so I felt like it was important to resurrect this blog before it faded into oblivion...

Today, I finally sat down to truly start my job search here in Houston. Generally speaking, I've just been allowing different ideas of what I want to do float around my brain aimlessly. One day I want to do business development for a non-profit organization, the next day I want to work at Spec's liquor store advising Houstonians on their wine shopping. For the most part, I simply let these thoughts come and go as they please, ultimately believing the universe will solve matters when it wants to. Well, today, as I actually started taking a serious look into what I want to do, I realized how lost I really am. Just because I believe in the all-mighty universe, this doesn't mean I believe life is supposed to be a constant state of laid-back bliss. Sometimes, it's simply time for a little stomach-churning, soul-seeking, job searching to keep the soul aligned with the powers that be. For me, that time has come...doh!