Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Closing a Circle

Last night, I finally arrived in Houston, Texas around 11:30 P.M. Despite driving 832 miles in 13.5 hours, I was wide awake when I reached my house and still remember, as I crept closer and closer home, repeating over and over, "Wow, I'm really here. I really did it. Wow, I really fuc*in' did it." While these words partly reflected my awe of finally making it back home, they also had to do with my realization that I just completed one big-a*s, kick-a*s circle in my life - hallelujah!

Four years ago, I left the exact same driveway, not really having much of a clue of what I was getting myself into. I just knew I was heading northeast and would figure things out along the way. Now, I was returning the exact same way I had left. In life, it's so easy to lose one's self in miniscule matters that we oftentimes forget to stop and look around at all the wonderful and amazing experiences we're living through. That's what I love about closing this circle - this is my time to reflect, my time to look back and revel at all that I've seen and been through in the last four years.

At this point of my life, 27 years old, I'm not really sure where I want to go next. I just hope the next circle is as great as the one I just closed. Sigh...


  1. Must feel great to be home! Congrats!

  2. hey v! glad you made it home safely! It's so crazy how fast time goes, I can't believe you were in NY for that long!! Anyway, enjoy the holidays & talk to ya soon!

    xoxo nas

  3. I couldn't be more proud of you, Simba.
