Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rockets 108 - Blazers 81 - YES!

Great start for the Rockets in Game 1 of the 2009 NBA Playoffs. Besides winning the game, they were able to rest Yao the entire fourth quarter and must've sucked just a tad but of life out of the Blazers. Even after Yao got off to such a great start, I love how Adelman decided to stick Mutumbo in the game and gave him plenty of minutes tonight (I advocated for this on both Facebook and an earlier blog post this week). Landry and Hayes are great, but we need a guy who can control the defensive paint like Mutumbo. Other than that, all of the Rockets really stepped up, even after the Blazers put up a very good fight in the first half. I assume Game 2 will be tougher but love seeing the Rockets turning it up a notch in the playoffs.

Also happy that I stuck to my plan and started to blog about NBA Playoffs by writing about the 1st quarter. By doing so, I learned a very important lesson - no way in hell I can do live basketball blogging. In addition to being boring, it's way too time-intensive for the writer in question. Furthermore, it's hard as hell to watch the game and type at the same time. Having said that, I'm not throwing in the towel for my NBA playoff blogging. Instead, I'm simply adjusting. I'll be looking for interesting stories to follow throughout the NBA playoffs and add a little touch of Vilasinator Analysis to equation. One way or another, I just want to practice writing and give myself something productive to do. Okay, maybe not productive, but you get the point.

Game 2 is Tuesday, 9 PM CST. Let's do it!

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