Thursday, April 16, 2009

NBA Playoffs

Yesterday, I questioned my blog and searched for a central theme. Saturday, the NBA Playoffs begin. How convenient. I'm set! I'm covering the playoffs, beyatches.

For starters, here is my Facebook status today:
Playoffs have arrived. Rockets. Blazers. Please post Yao up over and over again. If fronted, please swing the ball to weak side. Please give Barry (composure for 2nd unit), Deke (intensity), and Cook (shooting) just a little bit of court time to keep other guys fresh. Yes, I just pushed for a 12-man rotation. It's do or die! Please, please advance to round 2.

This is second time I've referenced a Facebook status on my blog. Wonder if this will be the norm of the world one day. We be gettin' dumbed down everyday this world turns. Don't believe me...just yesterday, there were tea parties all across our country, probably organized by same people who supported a trillion dollar war in Iraq. Something's gotta give, geniuses.

Ok, went off tangent, but I'll be focusing on NBA Playoffs during next few weeks. Rockets baby!

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