Monday, March 16, 2009

A Seamlessly Drunk Transition

2:48 A.M. I admit, I'm drunk. Shoot me. It's the easiest time to sit down and write, especially when you know the whole world is going to read your thoughts. Fine, in my case, maybe 5 people at most. But still, this is life beyatch! Damn, maybe I'm succumbing to the pressures of being a blog writer and throwing in the towel right now. I don't know.

Anyways, I'm the first to admit that I've done a lousy job keeping up with this blog. In all honesty, I'm barely writing at all these days. Even my personal, leather-bound journal (yes, I just said that) has been collecting dust during the last few weeks, and I think I know why. Quite simply, life is a lot easier in Htown, Texas than in Brooklyn, NY. Down here, I got my family (love you Mom!), my woman (hi Jenn!), my boys (wat up OKG!), and no rent (holy toledo!).

Less stress = less need for escape = less writing. I just don't have as much stress to release anymore. Ok, there are other things too. For one, it was much easier writing on the subway (NYC) versus writing while driving (Htown). Also, per my recent Facebook update, I'm taking my future seriously again. Thus, a reallocation of time to job search, grad school apps, and networking.

I'd like to sit here and say I'm somewhat perplexed about the situation, act like I'm a little down about being in a more "comfortable", less creative state. But honestly, for now at least, I'm not. I feel like I spent a good chunk of my four years in New York City running away from stability and, through that, learned a lot of great life lessons. In a strange way, I wanted chaos, though I admit I could only handle so much (freakin' pus*y!). However, eventually I reached a point where it felt like I was just running in place. Same way I felt at the end of my five years in Austin. Knew it was time to bounce.

Not sure this makes any sense to anyone besides me, but I don't really give a sh*t. Ok, ok, I do. Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this blog. Either way, I am really happy in Houston, Texas. In a weird way, I feel more liberated here than I did at the end of my time in New York City, which is really strange for me to grasp at times. Doubt I would've felt like this had I never left Texas in the first place, so hallelujah for NYC! Love that damn city and still haven't gotten over it completely, but I've definitely moved on much quicker than I thought I would. I'm a born-again H-towner looking forward to continuing to move forward here. Holla!

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