Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obama's Economic Stimulus Package

Just watched Obama's video on Economic Recovery plan -

How impressive has this guy been? Coming into our living rooms via internet to keep us updated on what's going on in our nation's capital?!! Truly incredible.

Furthermore, he says there will be a site,, that goes live as soon as the bill is passed.

Contrary to what my previous blog post may have suggested, I am for the stimulus package. Just hope our country focuses on "smart growth", in which fair labor, fair trade, and environmental standards take precedence over big corporations controlling everything.

Speaking of environmental friendliness, I visited Discovery Green for the first time this weekend. Very exciting to see Houston moving in such a positive direction. I hope to explore the park and maybe even write about it more in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly suspect that neither side really knows what they're doing. The problem is simply too large, complex, and interconnected with economies of other nations, over which the US has no control. To fix most things in the universe, you have to get it to sit still at least for a short period of time. This is a dynamic situation. If we as a society actually knew what worked, and could establish a cause and effect relationship with any certainty, we would have done it by now. Don’t you think?
