Friday, February 13, 2009

At Peace in Austin, TX

I'm in Austin this weekend for a very chill weekend with Jennifer and her siblings. I love coming back here, a place where I learned so much about life, especially the art of striving to be free as a bird :)

Despite my love for Austin, I must admit that I've been a little over-cynical during post-college trips back here. Sure, I still love this city inside-out, but I also tend to overanalyze and be critical of how much the city has changed from when I lived here. This time around, I'm finally being a good sport and just accepting the fact that this city has moved on without me (sniff, sniff). Quite simply, Austin has a new (and bigger) flock of Austinites and will continue to grow and reinvent itself with each passing day, just as it did while I was here.

Tomorrow, we're planning to run at Town Lake, waste an hour or two at one of my favorite coffee spots (Jo's), and then grab a simple dinner somewhere in north Austin. After all is said and done, we'll probably be home for the night an hour or two before midnight. So, just as Austin has evolved, so have I, and I'm coming to realize I should be happy that neither of us remained too stagnant over the years.

Ahh, at peace in Austin, Texas - just the way I remember this place...

  • Peeing next to dumpsters behind Sixth Street bars
  • Puking next to aforementioned dumpsters so that I could return to bars and drink more
  • Taking a dump inside the women's bathroom at Aquarium. Wait. What? Huh? Nevermind.
  • Running out of gas and trying to jump in an Accord while pushing it down a hill with three of my closest and dumbest friends

Hmm, maybe I was one of the people bringing Austin down. Thus, time to sit back, shut my mouth, and just enjoy this city for all of its natural and man-made beauty.

Long live Austin, Texas & Hook 'Em!

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