Sunday, January 4, 2009

Staying the Course

Man, I started off 2009 so well. Stayed in by myself on New Year's night, then had very deep meditation sessions on both January 1st and 2nd. I've realized that meditation is probably the highest priority in my life. Few things put me in such a peaceful and sometimes euphoric state of mind. Today, I skipped meditation in the morning to eat brunch with my sisters and family friends, then explored Htown some before settling into drunken fun for Keval's birthday. Good times indeed.

Nonetheless, something is missing. I need to meditate and be away from alcohol for a longer period of time than just three or four days. I know myself well enough to know that my soul is yearning for a purpose right now. Furthermore, I think that abstaining from alcohol and reaching deep meditative states give me the best opportunity to find what I'm looking for and be the person that I truly I want to be. Back to square one tomorrow...grrr, life's always a little bigger beyatch than I can handle.

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