Sunday, January 18, 2009

Palin scared the hell out of me!

With America only one day away from history, I thought it would be fitting to simply cut and paste an email written by me to a fellow "liberal" on Sept 3, 2008 (one day after Palin caused mass hysteria at the RNC Convention). As you can see, I was terrified.

your reply is littered w/ logic - doesn't really account for much w/ certain segments of this country's population.

seeing how quickly GOP was able to shift some of the nation's chatter from economy/war to abortion issue by bringing in a VP w/ a pregnant teenage daughter scares me a little and makes me wonder what else they have up their sleeves.

and we're only 5 days into the palin selection. somewhere down the road, you know abortion issue is going to be front and center in presidential debate, and i think it's safe to say mccain knew this could happen w/ palin. unfortunately, there is still a HUGE segment of the population ready to vote on nothing else but abortion. GOP will be ready to use it to their advantage and know it will be very difficult for two men (obama/biden) to pose much of an opposing dialogue against palin on the issue.

as far as having a child w/ down's syndrome and then trying to juggle responsibilities of being VP - again, too much logic. GOP can crush that argument pretty easily - "look at these democrats, always talking about equality...yet they can't handle a mother in the white house. don't tell us what a mother can or can't do - this is america!" - yes, its that easy.

finally, texted you last night while watching segments of republican convention. intro video was about a soldier in iraq. obviously, they were painting him as a war hero who sacrificed his life for his country, then they came back to convention and gave a standing ovation for soldier's sister and brothers who were in attendance. i realized how much this war crap still resonates with people, and they can still grab people's attention with it.

PS - While the end of my email may sound harsh, in no way do I mean to belittle a soldier or any other person's life. Instead, I was referring to the manner in which RNC glorified war in their campaign and the particular video in question.

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