Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Game 1: Fake Faker Fans

Game 1: Rockets beat Lakers 100-92. In other news...

Rockets 96 - Lakers 90. 26 secs left. And the Faker crowd continues to sit silently in their seats. HAHAHA. Fake-ass celebrities posing as Lakers fans couldn't spare their "coolness" factor long enough to at least wear purple and gold to Staples Center (see pics below). Thus, no surprise they're completely clueless to the fact this is still a ballgame. As a Rockets fan, I thank you fakers for providing absolutely no home-court advantage for your team.

Last time a Texas team stomped into southern California and left Los Angelenos feeling this lousy, a guy by the name of Vince Young was running circles around their hometown team. This time around, speedy Aaron Brooks was the man causing a commotion.

Fakers, welcome to the real world - Htown Texas beyatches! Well, everyone except for the lady sitting with Mario Lopez. She stays in fantasy land.

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